Our Medi-claim investigation investigators provide the comprehensive supports to the companies or organization in identifying fraudsters who take up fake medi-claims to get the recovery of the kind of treatments, medical care and hospitalization for the unreal occurrences. Our Medi-claim investigators provide complete analysis through site evidence and witnesses to verify the use of fakeness in Medi-claims. Our Medi-claim investigation services have been recognized as the best way of providing a wider solution to immense forgery and fakeness in Medi-claims. Our services help the clients to take action against major fraudulent activities in Insurance sector.

We include following areas of for medi claim investigation:

  • Reason to need for health care services, we shall investigate detailed records of treatments. Include all dates, locations, which provided the treatments, what services have been received, and what medicine, supplies or equipment were provided. These are mandatory to know the actual expenses have been occurred.
  • The interviews will be taken carefully by insurer to review the billing and summary statements of treatment. We shall include the dates, doctor prescription, name of the service provider and each minor point to find out the truth.
  • The ghost patients are very common and our professionals can identify ghost patients or the patients who are disguising the insurance company. Sometimes, during this kind of investigation, the insurance surveillance is required.
  • Lack of Medical Necessity where patients try to pretend sick or take illegitimate help from doctors.
  • The patients can make false certification; we shall verify each certificate or prescription from all authorities.

For feedback, quotations, queries please feel free to contact us at [email protected].